Samasta Flea Weekend Special Christmas & Festive Season

On 21 Dec 2020 - 03 Jan 2021, we hold Samasta Flea Weekend Market Special Christmas and Festive Season. As a routine activity every month, Samasta Flea market always provides different things every time. By carrying out the concept of Special Christmas and Festive Season, the booths that participated in this event were increasingly varied. Such as food and beverage booths, fashion, plants, and many more. Especially for the F & B booth, we created a Pojok Jajan where customers can enjoy food and drinks in one place. There is a lot of entertainment that we show, such as live music, choirs, Santa tours, zumba, fashion shows, and others. In the future, we will provide even more innovations to make Samasta a cool place to spend time with loved ones, see you at the next Samasta Flea Market!